About Us

We’re a leading provider of edge computing analytics that runs on all of the visibility spectrum. Our algorithm is state-of-the-art and enables our special Electro Optic devices recognition abilities whilst analyzing augmented data from various sources.
As we accomplished the unbelievable task of enabling the robotic platform to see and understand we managed to create abilities on those to do meaningful tasks, hence we emphasize our goal- human as decision maker, not observer.


Meduza X

Ultimate C-UAV Solution for Unmatched Security. Advanced Drone Detection and Classification with Dual Imaging Technology. 

 Our state-of-the-art C-UAV solution combines Thermal and VIS imaging for superior drone detection and classification, tailored specifically for tactical units, VIP protection, and critical asset security.

Ensure unparalleled safety and security with our cutting-edge technology. 


* Compatible with DJI SDK connector – used as plug and play.

Chimera UL uses high-end, state-of-the-art advanced object recognition analytics.

This day-and-night system incorporates an uncooled LWIR thermal imager and HD Day EO camera in a compact lightweight package. The Chimera analytics run on board in real time, allowing automatic recognition and coordination of the extraction of humans, vehicles or fire, while flying.


Short-range Investigation payload for dead spot around vehicle or compound uses in harsh conditions. Fuses VIS and thermal for supreme recognition with onboard AI.

–  Ruggedized and shock observance
–  All Weather Operation – IP 67 & Mil-Std. 810
–  DIS integration


Fused advanced technologies to achieve exceptional perception, uses for ADAS levels 1 to 4  for UGV

  • 3D Thermal vision- volumetric map
  • Auto detection of obstacles
  • All Weather Operation – IP 67 & Mil-Std. 810



Analytics enhancement for cooled and uncooled payload.
The Tesseract will upgrade any payload from passive operated observation device to state-of-the-art drone detection payload by enable it to detect, recognize and track drones in the sky.
All done by our powerful unique algorithm.


State-of-the-art detection and classification AI algorithm. This “Jewel of the Crown” utilizes Thirdeye’s unique expertise in both data science and electro-optical engineering. Enables high-end object classification and recognition using Deep Neural Network algorithms.

Analytics as a product – runs on third-party EO/IR systems. 

Advanced Technology

In the last decade we have been teaching and nurturing our private deep neural network engine with millions of segments and it’s now one of the most advanced databases in the world, enabling our unique payloads performing On-The-Move analytics in various layer that works simultaneously and presenting the most accurate and advanced object recognition in real time. 

Our Partners

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